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Board of Assessors Notices

In accordance with Title 36, Section 706 of the Maine Revised Statutes, The Athens Board of Assessors hereby gives notice to all persons liable to taxation in Athens to file lists of their real and personal property with the Board of Assessors by Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

The Board of Assessors will be in session from 7:00PM to 9:00PM on March 25th for the purpose of receiving such lists.

Lists may also be sent to the Town of Athens, Board of Assessors, P.O. Box 146, Athens, Me. 04912. Under such notice, taxpayers failing to furnish lists of taxable property on or before March 31, 2025 jeopardize their right of any abatement of taxes.

Tax Valuation Date

Under Maine State Law, the ownership and valuation of all real estate or personal property subject to taxation shall be fixed as of April 1st. For fiscal year 2024-2025, that date was April 1, 2024.

Personal Property Tax

Any assets owned or located in Athens for use in business are eligible for taxation by property tax; the tax rate is the same rate as applied to taxable real estate. For example:

Machinery & Equipment: Presses, tools, machining equipment, garage equipment, heavy-duty shelving and other machinery or manufacturing equipment, telephones, vending machines, televisions, fax machines, copiers, office equipment

Furniture & Fixture: Desks, chairs, bookcases, filing cabinets, tables

Computer Equipment: Computers, monitors, servers, printers, smartphones

Miscellaneous Personal Property: Trailers, cargo, bulk hauling, storage, office, law library, art work

Businesses are required to provide the Assessors with a true and perfect list of personal property assets located in Athens as of April 1st, 2025.

If your business is open as of April 1st, you are responsible for personal property taxes for the entire fiscal year.

Failure to file a true and perfect list of assets bars a taxpayer’s right to appeal his or her valuation for that year, M.R.S. Title 36 § 706-A.

Veterans Exemption

Any veteran who will be 62 years old on or before April 1, 2024 or any Veteran who is 100% disabled may be entitled to an exemption for a portion of the property tax. In order to qualify for the Veteran’s exemption, a person must have served during a wartime period, or be an unmarried widow or widower of a veteran that meets the requirements. Anyone who is not already receiving a veteran’s property tax exemption, but feels they would qualify should contact the Athens Assessor’s office either by mail (P.O. Box 146, Athens, ME 04912) or phone (207-654-3471).

Homestead Exemption

The Maine Homestead Exemption may lower your property tax bill. It makes it so the town won’t count a portion (up to $25,000) of value of your home for property tax purposes. You can qualify if you have owned your home in Maine for at least 12 months. Contact the Town Office for forms or more information.